Sunday, May 28, 2006

blog slackin'

cku was so much fun, i met so many awesome people. two of them are in this picture... from l-r is gabriella, renee, katrina and myself) i had totally expected to come back from cku exhausted and sick of scrapbooking (temporarily!) but instead i felt refreshed and wanting more! i'm still working on a couple of my projects, don't have a lot of time but i don't want them to sit unfinished! i'll post some pics from cku later along with some finished projects.

have a great sunday!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

well, it's true... i'm off!! i land in salt lake before 9 a.m., so maybe i can sleep on the plane!!! i can't wait, got lots of great classes ,and it's my first time!! my mom is driving in from her home just outside of reno, so i'll get to spend the day with her touring SLC!! so cool, can't wait to see it all!!

take care & God bless!!


Friday, May 12, 2006


it's simple, but i like it... nothing too fancy, but after all, it's all about the letters!! well, this will be on my business cards and the website header for which should be opening early next week (knock on wood!!)

thanks to all your super ladies who have sent me such sweet emails, and all of the kind words (and orders, of course!!) in the last three weeks. thanks for your support... you're awesome!!!
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they're heeeeere....

boxes, boxes, everywhere...

that's right!! they're in!! that means... shipments are coming!! we have been busy packing these up in our living room, letters, boxes, bubble wrap... everywhere!!! how fun!!

so, monday is the big shipping day, and after all is said and done, i will email my customers with confirmation & tracking number!! i'm so pumped, i can't WAIT to see what all you wonderful ladies create!!
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i got to have a nice getaway last weekend, teaching a couple of classes with love2scrap at their retreat in pigeon lake... heavenly!! i went last fall, LOVED it, and can't wait to go in october. we have friends and family down at the lake as well, so we all headed down for some r&r. that weekend they were opening up a new ice cream shop, daisy mcbeans (cute place!), and mikehiela got her picture in the paper, standing there, all cute with a cone in either hand... another one for the scrapbook!! good thing she's not shy... she's been on tv twice, as well (news programs) ... she loves the limelight!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006


i thought these would look really cool in our regular living areas, not just our studios or bedrooms. i painted this 'h' set in times new roman, plain old black, sanded it up a little bit to distress it a bit, then rubbed some walnut stain into it to age it. this will have to sit in my bookcase until mytwo year old son is old enough not destroy it when i lean it up against the fireplace... or, maybe on the mantle. hmmm... Posted by Picasa

la letter 'e'

here's a couple more letters i wanted to share... the first one, a lower case 'e' set in times new roman, was done by our lovely and very own elizabeth , also known as jrabbit . elizabeth blended some mm paints, covered the lower part of her 'e' with crate paper, adorned with a heidi swapp flower and ribbon, mm brad, frame and bookplate. she attached her ribbon with a stapler.

can't wait to see your creations!!
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